Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not all prisons have bars

Let's talk about work.

I'm 26 (holy shit, I'm 26).  I've done very little with my life in terms of those things that people consider "experiences."  I haven't gone on any vision quests, I haven't seen the world.  I haven't jumped out of any airplanes, and I haven't gone backpacking through Europe.  I spent my entire youth living out a plan that was set in front of me by my cultural sense of obligation from the time I was fourteen.

Get good grades in school.  Learn, so that you're prepared for the next step.  Get into a good school.  Get good grades, so you'll be prepared for the next step.  Get a good job.  Get yourself a girl.  Start a family.  Go to work every day and work hard, so you'll be successful.  Get that promotion so you can get more money to buy more things.  He who dies with the most shit, wins.

I've been questioning that path in the back of my mind for the last decade, and I'm far too much of a coward to actually stray from it.  The ramifications of that are staggering.  If I don't have a job, I can't afford to live.  I've too much responsibility to be able to just cut and run.  So here I am, in an 8 by 8 cell, working every day to assure that the money I earn lines someone else's pockets.

I make a good wage.  I went to a highly reputable school, and got a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering.  I spend my days working for the Electrical Utility doing High Voltage System planning.  That sounds pretty awesome, right?  At the least, it sounds like I have a real technical job that keeps me on my toes, since I'm responsible for keeping the lights on.  In reality, I play on the internet most of the day, when I'm not in a meeting or my boss isn't looking, and then cram as much work as possible in at the last possible moment.  It's a fucking HARD job to look busy all day.  It's slowly burning me out, and I'm genuinely concerned that if I keep at it for the next twenty years, I'll go insane.  Part of me thinks in the back of my mind that if I sap this place for all I can, I can get to the point where I can escape into another job, or another profession, or what have you.  But that isn't how the system works.

By the time I graduated from college, I managed to rack up about 75 THOUSAND dollars in student loans.  The collegiate process is such a racket in this country that I feel like I've been robbed over and over again, and will continue to get robbed until well into my 30s.  Even having the reliable and generous income I do, I still feel broke every week.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I pay more out in student loan payments than anyone I know pays in rent, or car payments, or insurance.  Many of them combined.  It's absurd.  Once I miraculously dig myself out from under that mountain of debt, I'll still be left with the reality of a family.  The ten year payment plan seems fine before you start paying it, because once you're done, you're rich, right?  Wrong.  What you don't understand as an 18 year old is that you're likely to be about the right age to start dealing with kids when you finally get them paid off.  Wonderful.

I'm scared as hell that I'm stuck.  Every day I wake up thinking that there's no end in sight.  All I really want to do is drop everything, and see the frigging world.  There's so much out there that people don't get the opportunity to see.  There's so much that people don't get to experience because they, like me, are stuck as mice in a maze, looking for that piece of cheese.  Except there is no cheese, and the reality of the situation is that you're just smelling cheese essence that the fucking lab coats have pumped into the maze to get your ass in gear.

It's not like there are no options.  As I said, I have to keep thinking that at some point, I'll break out of the cage.  And by no means does my life completely suck.  I have the fortune (and misfortune) of bearing witness to the steady decline of my friends due to their lives crumbling in front of them.  I still have a job.  I still have my health.  I have an amazing girlfriend and a great relationship with her.  My family is still together, and my friends are always there when I need them.  So I grind it out - as much for all of them as for myself.

Recently my friend Alex posted a picture on facebook with descriptive squares, which you're supposed to tag with friends' names.  Most likely to get you drunk, most likely to be arrested, etc.  I was blown away when he tagged me as "Most Likely to Bail You Out."  The picture associated with the square was the Superman Shield.  It's amazing to me that even when I think my world is upside down, and I have no idea how I'll be able to stand another day in my self-imposed cage, that my friends still look to me as the stable one, the one they can depend on.  And if that's my lot in life, then I guess I'm alright with it.  It could be a lot worse.

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