As you can see, the top half is coming along as well. I took the yellow pieces off the ends of the vertical part, and I'll be finishing them to look like missiles. The back will feature a pretty large jet engine (well, it will look like one, anyway) that will light up pretty heavily, and look awesome. I haven't decided if I want to attach wings yet, but it's an idea we're toying with.
I also figured out a very important piece of the puzzle - how to attach things to the frame. If I use the dremel tool to cut about a quarter of the circumference out of some 3/4" PVC (imagine the profile of it resembles a C), it snaps onto the bike rack frame like a clamp. If you look at the chest plate, you'll notice two screws where I've used this method to clamp it to the frame. Since Friday, I've started making the mech's arms, using the same concept. I used a T-connector to act as the initial attaching point, with the arms coming off the horizontal part of the frame at a 45* angle, and down around my shoulders. They look pretty good so far, but I'm not 100% sure on the best way to make them movable, but secure. I used a joint like the knee joints on the Mechs I linked to before for the shoulder joint, but I don't want to use it for the elbow too, since it makes the arms a little too flexible to easily control. I'll keep thinking on it, I'm sure I'll figure something out. That's the major stuff I did this week, next time I build I plan to continue figuring out the arms and possibly make the jet pack.
After that, we're left figuring out the upper legs, the lower torso, and building out the structure to be more robust. As great as PVC is for framing, it's not very polished or intimidating on its own. Then the finishing touches - I can't wait to light this thing up. 10 weeks till Halloween!